Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rustic Pear Galette

I know this is dreadfully early for me to be posting, you'll survive I'm sure. On the bright side, I do have pictures. So I was rumaging around in my freezer and found some pie crust that I made not long ago. Pie crusts freeze beautifully by the way. So I thawed it out when my produce box from Door to Door Organics showed up (Love!). This left me with a disturbing number of pears, red, bosc, d' was excessive. Solution? Rustic Galette (aka lazy pie).

You will need:
- 2-3 pears, firmer is better
- 1 home made pie crust (like for one side)
- Sugar
- Cinnamon
- Flour (for dusting)

 Let's Begin! Preheat over to 350. So we take our room temperature pie crust, put it on a floured surface and roll into a rough round.

 Then we flip the round into our baking vessel. I am using a metal pie tin. You can do this on a baking sheet too.

Now we are going to slice up the pears. After using the slicer/corer, I then halfed or third'ed the slices so they are thinner. You will notice I did not peel my pears. I like the color and frankly was just being lazy. It's your call.

I arranged my pears in a pretty overlaping pattern. No real point besides presentation, but it does help if you have the round edges to the edge of your crust for the next part.

We then fold the edges over the pears, creating the side wall crust. Sprinkle the pears with sugar and cinnamon.

Then you slide it in the oven and walk away for say....20 - 30 minutes, keep a weather eye on it. The crust should be golden and firm, the pears soft and juicy. And it should smell excellent.
Let it cool for a moment, this is important.

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